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Gravity Oddity Review for Nintendo Switch

A time when you are living in space on a big shuttle, but you have no money to pay the rent, and you have a roommate begging for when you decided to live with him. But in the middle of the night, when you are asleep, your roommate is kidnapped by aliens and monsters. Gravity Oddity, by Invincible Cat, is a game where the task is to rescue your roommate without having the cash to find him with side characters to help you get through space with meteors and obstacles and shoot aliens to secure the shuttle and find your roommate before he is gone.

Gravity Oddity Review for Nintendo Switch

Gravity Oddity started with an argument with the roommate Gary. When the next scene came up, an invasion happened when the main character fell asleep. We move on to Gary’s side-kick Newton, who’s a purple bear face that looked stunning from the visuals of it when I first saw him. You are told that Newtown’s partner has been kidnapped by aliens. As I tried to save Gary, I had to go through a tutorial stage where I learned how to jump while using a weapon and how to use my inventory when I fought robots and aliens. I went on with the quest to save Gary. A funny thought that I did is when I jumped into gravity, thinking  this was the course to followed. I flew so far away from the shuttle I had to figure out a way to get back on the shuttle, but it was impressive by the background art I saw when I did that. Also, I didn’t know what to do when the meteoroids came along. I thought I had to use my weapon to blast it but forgot the other feature of using the blaster to transform myself into the meteor to get to the other shuttle andlasted my laser to defeat the aliens and the killing machines I saw.

There were so many parts that I got into trouble with the obstacles on the shuttle when I was being blasted by aliens or trying to avoid the chainsaws. It was frustrating that I had to start over from the beginning when I died. But Gravity Oddity was engaging from the narrative of the game. It was a well-designed background and the sound bites were well done. The game mechanics were a little rough from the start of the tutorial that has an interesting feature of how the characters are moving and how to get to the meteor or how I float while I am also trying to avoid the aliens or the killing machines so I will not get blasted over and over again so I will not get killed.

Overall, Gravity Oddity was an exciting story plot of the game. The character mechanics had a problem with me moving the character, but the game was enjoyable. Newtown was my favorite to be around. Gravity Oddity, overall, was a  fun and exciting storytelling pixel game that I enjoyed on the Switch.


For more information, visit the Nintendo eShop.

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