Greetings Gamers! Greg Vander Velde here to talk about Crytek’s remaster of Crysis, a 2007 sensation, Often remembered as the benchmark of performance at the time. Without the fan fair of the upper limits of graphics and gameplay capability for the time does Crysis Remastered hold up to today’s gaming standards?

Here is a little bit about the story first; a special black ops team is being dropped into an island controlled by enemy forces, and it’s this special squad’s duty to rescue some archeologist and other researchers who are being held captive. Of course, things go wrong and the unexpected occurrence of aliens pops up! Plus now there are a bunch of enemies with the same tactical suit tech running around as you and your squad. Which complicates the mission even further maybe not as much as the aliens complicate things.
Anyway, Crysis is a game that I had never played in the past. Without having access to a super PC, it just wasn’t possible with my computer back then. So now, getting the chance to play it, I am reminded of games from a time gone by. I found it similar to something like Halo, but the super suit was capable of much more, and all the incredible abilities were available from the start of the game. Crysis Remastered is pretty close to an open-world feel but with a linear story, and that’s impressive for the time. The objectives are often reachable in many different ways, which allows players to customize their gaming experience. The suit has a cloaking capability so players can sneak to objectives fighting very few enemies or use the maximum armor mode to fight every single combatant along the way. There is rarely a shortage of ammo and as long as the player isn’t in love with one type of gun it’s pretty easy to just pick up whatever adversaries are using against the player. All this together makes the game play pretty easy as long as the player is being smart about combat.

What makes this different from the original version is the updated graphics, which are different for each version of the game per console computer. The hardware of your system allows things like ray tracing at the higher end of the performance versions. I only have an original PS4 so the best I could do was enable HDR mode or choose between performance or graphics modes. Regardless, Crysis Remastered looks better than a straight port of the game onto a new platform. The other large difference is that the multiplayer function has been removed, which was a huge draw for the game back in the day.

Crysis Remastered is a throw back for many who played the original game and a chance to finally pick it up after many years of missing out. Should you get it if you don’t remember longing for it? Maybe. Its pretty fun to run around shooting things with the weapon mods and the super suit, but in the end, the story is a little more than background noise most of the time. There are some cool scenes and some beautiful levels, but its nothing ground breaking like the original release. If you need a game to kill some time, pick it up, it got some fun action. If you desperately need a game to get obsessed with, this is probably not the one.
I’ll be giving Crysis Remastered a 6.5/10 since it’s a good remaster, but I’m not sure the game needed to be brought back. I am hoping that this release is in anticipation of a new installment. I would love for a transplant of what is good about Crysis into the newer generation of games.
Check Out the Crysis Remastered Trailer:
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